
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC Minas, founded in 1958, is one of the five largest universities in Brazil and was nominated the best private university in the country by Best Universities Award 2010. Recently, the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Vatican chose the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, PUC Minas, as the largest in the world. PUC Minas has been established in the state of Minas Gerais through a structure multicampi composed of more than a hundred buildings, which house laboratories, libraries, museum, TV channel, theater workshop, distance learning, multimedia classrooms, theaters, auditoriums, hospitals, veterinary clinics, physiotherapy, dentistry and psychology, and other devices equipped with modern teaching and technological resources. The academic community of PUC Minas has 56.751 students, with 47.281 undergraduate, 8.182 of specializations, 1.097 Masters and Ph.D. in 191, 2.312 teachers and 1,682 employees, spread across its campuses. There are 56 undergraduate, 17 master degree students and six doctoral degrees, as well as 287 specialized courses, improvement and extension. The Pontifical of Minas Gerais has a partnership network of more than 80 international agreements, both between higher education institutions and language schools. In this process, PUC Minas receives foreign students and forwards Brazilian students abroad every semester.